Wykłady Prof. Charlsa Szypszaka oraz dr Emily Roscoe z UNC Chapell Hill

15 lutego 2022
Serdecznie zapraszamy na wykłady Prof. Charlsa Szypszaka oraz dr Emily Roscoe z UNC Chapell Hill, które odbędą się zdalnie w środę 2 marca br. o godz. 15:00. 
Link do spotkania https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_YTU0MGE4ODMtZTdkNC00ZGY3LWEzZDItMzhjODVkYzQ4MjRi%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2273689ee1-b42f-4e25-a5f6-66d1f29bc092%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22bd490dbe-f5ef-4a7a-a37c-7d9a1842bce4%22%7d.


The Law of Self Defense in the United States 

Professor Charles Szypszak
Individuals in all legal cultures have a sense of self defense as a fundamental right. But there can be serious disagreement about whether it applies in particular circumstances. This has been illustrated in several recent criminal trials in the United States that received much public attention and were the subject of intense debate, including in the acquittal of a young man who used a semi-automatic weapon during racial unrest in Wisconsin. In this lecture, Professor Szypszak will highlight the basic features of the privilege of self defense in American law, and describe some surprising complexities with illustrations from famous cases in which someone was charged with a crime for use of a weapon during an attack.
Comparative Law Research – From an American Perspective 
Dr. Emily Roscoe and Professor Charles Szypszak

The legal community has good reasons to be interested in the laws of other nations, but there are real barriers to finding and understanding comparative law. In this lecture, Dr. Roscoe, who teaches information and library science and law, will describe overarching obstacles that interfere with finding and reading comparative law including the influence of language and culture on formulating and carrying out research enquiries, and the increasingly bewildering array of interferences in accessing law authority and scholarship even when its existence is known. Professor Szypszak will discuss how such obstacles are interrelated with important differences in how law is envisioned in the United States, including the pre-eminence of the adopted Constitution, the interpretive role of judges, and the importance of case law.