Wykład online o początkach Republiki Włoskiej

3 czerwca 2024

Redakcja „Czasopisma Prawno-Historycznego” zaprasza do udziału w serii wykładów online z uznanymi zagranicznymi historykami prawa zatytułowanej „IAS Invited Lecture Series in Legal History 1”.

W pierwszej serii wykładów odbędą się trzy spotkania z naukowcami z Rady Naukowej CPH lub wskazanymi przez jej członków. Wykłady mają charakter otwarty i odbędą się na platformie MS Teams. Każdorazowo po wykładzie będzie miało miejsce zamknięte seminarium z prelegentem adresowane do studentów realizujących indywidualne projekty badawcze, doktorantów i młodych naukowców. Zainteresowanych udziałem w tej drugiej części spotkania prosimy o zgłaszanie się drogą mailową do organizatora (piotr.alexandrowicz@amu.edu.pl).

Informacje o trzecim wykładzie podano poniżej zaś pełna informacja o cyklu wykładów jest dostępna na stronie serii wykładów IAS.

Seria wykładów została dofinansowana w ramach programu Inicjatywa Doskonałości – Uczelnia Badawcza w konkursie nr 129 „IAS Invited Lecture Series”.


Title: Between law and memory: the birth of the Italian Republic

Speaker: Prof. Alessia Maria Di Stefano

Date: June 13th, 4:00 pm CEST

Link to the online meeting: https://bit.ly/legalhistory3

Abstract: The years between 1943 and 1948 constitute a historical phase full of exemplary and paradigmatic events for the genesis and development of the current Italian constitutional order. The lecture will focus on the historical events and legal aspects that initiated the constitutional transition process from the Fascist regime to the Italian Republic. After the conclusion of the armistice, for about twenty months the power of government in Italy was exercised simultaneously by four distinct authorities: the Italian Social Republic and the German occupation forces in the North; the Allied military government and the Monarchy in the South. The real phase of constitutional transition began in April 1944 with the so-called “Salerno Pact”, which led to the establishment of the Lieutenancy government. The Lieutenancy government would remain in force until the referendum of 2 June 1946, when the Italian people, for the first time by universal suffrage, were called upon to choose between the Monarchy and the Republic and to elect the deputies of the Constituent Assembly whose task was to draft the new Constitution. During the lecture particular attention will be devoted to the drafting phases of the Italian Constitution, using the acts of the Constituent Assembly as the main source.

CV: Alessia Maria Di Stefano (Catania 2/09/1980) is fixed-term researcher of Legal History at Law Department of University of Catania; PhD in Legal History at University of Macerata (2010); Law Degree at University of Catania (2006). On November 3, 2020, she earned the Italian National Academic Qualification as Full Professor. She has been Visiting Researcher with scholarship at Max Planck Institute for European legal history (October 2016 – March 2017; January 2018 – March 2018) and at Robbins Collection UC Berkeley (October – November 2014). She currently teaches History of Medieval and Modern Law at the at Law Department of University of Catania. 

Her research interests are mainly focused on Constitutional transition from fascism to a democratic government in Italy (Da Salò alla Repubblica. I giudici e la transizione dallo stato d’eccezione al nuovo ordine (d.lgs.lgt. 249/1944), Bologna, Pàtron 2013); history of criminal law and legal positivism in Sicily, in particular the contribution that Emerico Amari gave to the criminal legal science during 19th century (Il Corso di diritto penale di Emerico Amari, un maestro della penalistica civile tra illuminismo e positivismo, Torino, G. Giappichelli 2018); the Italian colonial experience in Libya with particular regard to the Libyan judicial system; Justice and emigration in Italy between the 19th and 20th century («Non potete impedirla, dovete regolarla». Giustizia ed emigrazione in Italia: l’esperienza delle Commissioni arbitrali provinciali per l’emigrazione (1901-1913), Roma, Historia et Ius 2020). 

Website: https://www.lex.unict.it/docenti/alessia.maria.distefano# 

Chair: Prof. Adriana Ciancio (University of Catania)

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