Der Einfluss des Unionsrechts auf die Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeit [Impact of EU-law on Administrative Judiciary] in: ed. R. Broemel, P. Krell, O. Muthorst, J. Prütting, Prozessrecht in nationaler, europäischer und globaler Perspektive [Procedural law from national, european and global perspective], Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2017, pp. 279-288.
A comparative analysis of limitations in administrative appeals in Europe: the case of Poland and Slovakia, Review of European Administrative Law 2018, No 2 (together with M. Horvat), pp. 59-79.
Die Effektivität der verwaltungsgerichtlichen Kontrolle in Europa [The effectiveness of administrative courts control in Europe], Zeitschrift der Verwaltungsgerichtsbarkeit 2018, No 2, pp. 100-107.
The right to an effective remedy in European Law: significance, content and interaction, China EU-Law Journal 2019, No 6, pp. 163-174.
Die Herabsetzung des Ruhestandalters im Lichte des Grundsatzes der richterlichen Unabhängigkeit [the reduction of the judge`s retirement age in the light of the principle of judicial independence], Neue Justiz 2019, No 10, pp. 432-427.
Access to the highest administrative courts: between a right of an individual to hear a case and a right of a court to hear selected cases, Central European Public Administration Review 2020, No 1, pp. 1-23.
Die Schranken der Nebenaktivitäten der Richter im Lichte ihrer Unabhängigkeit und Dienstaufsicht [The barriers to the ancillary activities of judges in the light of their independence and supervision], Verwaltungsarchiv 2020, No 4, pp. 473-490.
A right to have one’s case heard within a reasonable time before the Czech and the Polish Supreme Administrative Courts – standards, the reality and proposals for the future, Utrecht Law Review, 2021, vol. 17, issue 1, pp. 20-32, DOI: http://doi.org/10.36633/ulr.586 (together with L. Potěšil).
Public administration`s adaptation to Covid-19 pandemic – Czech, Hungarian, Polish and Slovak experience, Central European Public Administration Review 2021, No 1, pp. 133-158, DOI: https://doi.org/10.17573/cepar.2021.1.06 (together with M. Horvat, L. Potěšil and K. Rozsnayi).
Supervision over courts and judges. Insights into selected legal systems, Peter Lang 2021, pp. 236 (editorship and co-authorship).
prof. dr hab. Wojciech Piątek
Position: professor
Duty hours
Tuesday: 11:00-13:00, MS Teams