- Surrogate motherhood and legal competences of the European Union in family law Sokołowski Marcin, W: Fundamental legal problems of surrogate motherhood. Global perspective / Mostowik Piotr (red.), 2018, Warszawa, Wydawnictwo Instytutu Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, s.589-602, ISBN 978836634405 2. New EU Matrimonial Property Law and the Situation of Polish Nationals (citizens) Sokołowski Marcin, Comparative Law Review, 2018, nr 24, s.307-328. DOI:10.12775/CLR.2018.012
prof. UAM dr hab. Marcin Sokołowski
Position: University professor
Duty hours:
Tuesday: 12:00-13:00, MS Teams
(after previous e-mail confirmation)